Building Better Health Professions Programs

From launching new training programs to reaccrediting established residencies, we bridge the gaps in healthcare education to create transformative outcomes

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We help you design cutting edge training, recruit top talent, and deliver impactful healthcare education

Lead by

Dr. Matthew Weed

Helping good people do great things

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Lead by

Dr. Matthew Weed

Helping good people do great things

Partnering with Expertise

Championing Patient-Centered Healthcare Education

As a totally blind and lifelong Type 1 diabetic, Dr. Weed deeply understands the challenges patients face in accessing care. His work is dedicated to bridging this gap through transformative changes in the education system.

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Build, Reaccredit, And Transform Programs

Enhance your institution's impact, strengthen your programs, and ensure excellence in healthcare education and outcomes

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Program Development

From designing classrooms to recruiting top faculty, we help you lay the foundation to create new training programs or expand existing ones.

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Faculty Training

Equip your educators with the latest teaching methodologies, technologies, and leadership skills to improve program quality and student outcomes.

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Accreditation Guidance

We provide document review, compliance support, and strategic planning to ensure global trust and recognition for your programs.

Meet our Founder

Joel H. Berg



Founder, Chair of the Board of Directors, and Chief Executive Officer

Joel H. Berg

Great healthcare starts with exceptional training. Together, we’re not just building programs—we’re shaping the future of patient care and professional excellence

The Cornerstone of Our Vision

With decades of experience in building and advancing health professions programs, Joel's strategic insight and commitment to excellence in this field make him a pivotal partner.

Joel H. Berg

Contact us now to unlock more

If you would like us to help you with planning your new training program, support you in maintaining your established residency, or assist you in envisioning your forthcoming facility, contact us.

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Based in Phoenix, Arizona,
Providing services in North America

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